Kamis, 24 Januari 2013

Cerita Motivasi Seorang Pemuda dengan Pengusaha Kaya

Di Taiwan ada seorang konglomerat dan pengusaha kaya. Hebatnya, kekayaan itu menurut banyak pihak diperoleh benar-benar dari nol. Karena itu, apa yg dilakukannya mampu menginspirasi banyak orang. 

Suatu ketika ada seorang pemuda mau belajar pengalaman dari sang Pengusaha Kaya. 

“Terimakasih Bapak mau menerima saya. Terus terang saya sangat ingin menimba pengalaman dari Bapak, sehingga bisa sukses juga”, ujar si pemuda. 

Mendengar permintaan itu, sang Pengusaha tersenyum sejenak, lalu ia pun meminta pemuda tadi menengadahkan tangannya.

Si pemuda terheran-heran. 
Lantas si pengusaha kaya menjelaskan maksudnya, “Biar Aku lihat garis tanganmu. Simaklah baik-baik apa pendapatku,” kata Si Pengusaha kaya.

Setelah menengadahkan kedua tangannya, Si Pengusaha Kaya pun berkata, ”Lihatlah telapat tanganmu ini, di sini ada beberapa garis utama yang menentukan nasib. Ada garis kehidupan, ada garis Rezeki dan ada pula garis Jodoh.
Sekarang Menggenggamlah….
Dimana semua garis tadi?” tanya Si Pengusaha Kaya.

“Di dalam telapak tangan yang saya genggam”, jawab si Pemuda yang penasaran.
“Nah, apa artinya itu? Hal itu mengandung arti, bahwa apapun takdir dan keadaanmu kelak, semua itu ada dalam genggamanmu sendiri. Anda lihat bukan? Bahwa semua garis tadi ada di tanganmu.
Begitulah rahasia suksesku selama ini. Aku berjuang dan berusaha dengan berbagai cara untuk menentukan nasibku sendiri,” jawab si Pengusaha.

“Tapi coba liat pula genggamanmu. Bukankah masih ada garis yang tak ikut tergenggam? Sisa garis itulah yang berada di luar kendalimu, karena di sanalah letak kekuatan dari TUHAN. Kita tak akan mampu melakukan dan itulah bagian TUHAN”, lanjut si Pengusaha. “Kesuksesanmu tidak akan berarti tanpa campur tangan TUHAN yang berdaulat!”
Genggam dan lakukan bagianmu dengan kerja keras, tetapi bawalah kepada TUHAN bagian yang tak mampu Anda lakukan dan biarlah TUHAN berkarya dalam hidupmu…

EKA SWASA - Company Profile

PT. Eka ESGEJE (Silver & Gold Jewelry) is manufacturer of jewelry and accessories which is export oriented. It has been established in 1989 began with 10 employees in small workshop.
In 1991, we built factory in Jl. Wonosari Lor 147A Surabaya which equipped with jewelry machine to supply product requirement for our market.
PT. EKA ESGEJE (Silver & Gold Jewelry) is a wholesale/retail company based in Surabaya, East Java - INDONESIA. We are one of the manufacturer /exporter of sterling silver jewelry. Our company provides wholesaler, retailer and buyer worldwide with handicrafted quality and casting sterling silver jewelry since1989.

Product and Brand Name
The main product of PT. Eka ESGEJE (Silver & Gold Jewelry) are many kinds of shapes and models of jewelry (such as rings, earrings, bangles, bracelets, pendants, necklaces, brooches, etc), which are made of silver, combination of gold and silver and "swasa". We also produce many kind of shapes and models of bag (such as handbag, brief case, traveling bag, wallet, belt, etc.) which are made of imitation and leather . We have some brand names for our product : EKA SWASA ( for jewelry made of "swasa" )

Market Area
The market of P.T. Eka ESGEJE (Silver & Gold Jewelry) is local and overseas. It's products can be reached by middle and low level societies, especially for silver jewelry. P.T. Eka Silver & Gold Jewelry markets its products in many Department stores, Supermarkets, Plazas etc. using counters or outlet and they can be found in almost big cities of Java. We also open Eka Graha, a showroom for jewelry and gems, which located in Graha Platino Jl. Dr. Soetomo 43 Surabaya, East Java - INDONESIA.
Eka Silver is jewelry products which is made of silver by handmade and casting and is export oriented. Now, we already have exported to USA, UK, Germany, etc. In this period, Eka Silver always develop in design, model, quality, delivery and price. We planned to spread this product as Eka Swasa with many counters in the local market.

Eka Swasa is jewelry product which is in the development phase of design, model and market. The product of Eka Swasa is made of "swasa" and that products have the colour of gold, so it gets good selling volume to raise and compete in the local market. We use direct selling system in many counters existing in the big cities of Java. And we always develop facility and quality of their product to customers to compete in overseas market. It begins to export its products to Malaysia where we plan to spread our overseas market. Now marketing of P.T. Eka ESGEJE (Silver & Gold Jewelry) has developed and is a dominated market in the big cities of Java, such as : Surabaya, Jakarta, Bekasi, Semarang, Yogyakarta, Solo, Purwokerto, Tangerang, Bogor, Malang, Madiun, Sidoarjo, Gresik, Kediri, Cirebon, etc.
Eka Graha as a jewelry and accessories center, as a jewelry shop Eka Graha displays jewelry made of silver, gold and "swasa" in many kinds of shapes and models also many semi precious stones, synthetic stones, and many local stones from Indonesia (especially from Pacitan) and overseas countries (such as Thailand, etc. ). To fulfill exclusive needs, Eka Graha serves orders for making jewelry such as rings, bangles, etc. handled by expert craftsmen.

PT. EKA ESGEJE (Silver & Gold Jewelry) has specialized in New Design & Products, Good Quality & Service, and Competitive Price For Customer Satisfaction.


Personal Profile

Nama               : KHAIRIL FAJRI ( IriL )
TTL                 : Aceh Selatan, 26 Agustus 1992
Pendidikan       : 1998 – 2004 SD Negeri 02 Terbangan, Aceh Selatan
                        : 2004 – 2005 SMP Negeri 01 Terbangan, Aceh Selatan
: 2005 – 2007 SMP Swasta Abulyatama, Aceh Besar
: 2007 – 2010 MA Negeri Kuta Baro, Aceh Besar
Organisasi        : 2008 – 2009 Ketua OSIM MAN Kuta Baro
                        : Peserta Kwarcab Pramuka Se-ACEH

Riwayat Kerja : 2010 Sales Marketing PT.Luxindo Raya, Banda Aceh
                        : 2010 – 2012 Operator Warnet, Banda Aceh
                        : 2012 Sales Counter PT.FIF Syariah, Banda Aceh
                        : 2012 – Sekarang Sales Counter PT.Eka Silver And Gold Jewelry
Motto              : “ Hidup Sekali, Hiduplah Yang Berarti”

Email               : Khairilfajri26@gmail.com
Facebook        : Jeril Itoeu Iril
Blogspot          : Cerita Dan Motivasi
Fanspage FB   : Aceh Selatan Dalam Berita

My Style

PT.Eka Silver And Gold Jewelry

My Jazz

 PT.FIF Syariah

MA Negeri Kuta Baro, Aceh Besar

All About IRIL